
How to take care of your garden using only one product

Pierre d'Argent dans le jardin

The sun has finally come after a long period of cold weather! The days are getting longer, it’s the perfect time to freshen up your garden. You don’t even need a multiple of different cleaning products because there is a natural solution for everything: Pierre d’Argent®! It is perfect for most of your outdoor tasks. In this article, we will tell you what and how to use Pierre d’Argent® for your garden!

What is Pierre d’Argent and how does it work?

Pierre d’Argent by LACO is a completely natural and biodegradable product, composed only of natural ingredients. It comes in solid form and acts as a universal cleaner. It is known for its cleaning, degreasing, revitalizing, and protective properties. Being non-toxic and environmentally safe, you can safely use Pierre d’Argent® in your wholeliner de  garden.

Cleaning the pool liner

During the winter, your pool liner can accumulate deposits, stains, or even algae. To effectively remove them, you can use Pierre d’Argent®. Simply wet the sponge provided with the stone, apply the product, and gently scrub the surface of the pool liner. Rinse with clear water afterwards. Pierre d’Argent® will act deeply to remove the dirt without compromising the water quality!

Piscine avec vu sur le liner.

Our Tip: You can also clean pool buoys and other accessories without any risk of damaging them with Pierre d’Argent®.

Freshen up garden furniture and deck chairs

Despite careful storage during winter, your garden furniture and deck chairs can accumulate dust and dirt. To eliminate them, use Pierre d’Argent® by rubbing the surfaces to be cleaned with a dampened sponge. The cleaning and degreasing properties of Pierre d’Argent® will effectively remove all stains, restoring the original shine to your furniture and chairs.

Différents éléments de jardin, comme un salon de jardin, des transats,

Garden tools

Over time, hoses, watering cans, wheelbarrows, and other gardening tools can become clogged with residue. Pierre d’Argent® is an excellent ally to remote deep dirt. Apply a small amount of Pierre d’Argent® to the sponge or a brush and scrub. For hoses, you can also apply it on the inside and then rinse with clear water. You will quickly notice an improvement in water flow and the efficiency of your watering.

Jardin avec des jouets d'enfants, comme un toboggan, un bac à sable.

Children’s equipment

Don’t forget the children’s toys on your list! From the sandbox, to the slide and the rain boots, Pierre d’Argent® will be your ally for every challenge!

Make the most of your garden this summer by using Pierre d’Argent® to revitalize your outdoor spaces. It is natural, multipurpose, and environmentally friendly, making it the ideal choice to maintain your garden.